Monday, December 10, 2007

Last thing...Dr. Campbell's meme??

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.I can't find the blog who tagged me now but if I do I will link to it. It was one of the ones I read regularly that said, "If you haven't done this yet then I tag you."

7 weird things...hahahha

1. i laugh at everything, anytime, anywhere & roll on the floor laughing [rotfl] if the joke is so much, i can't stand strait

2. i must have a balance in things...maybe it's being a perfectionist? but in my closet i have arranged clothes according to colors...purple shirts can't be inbetween black shirt...that's annoying.

3. i must have fruit everyday, otherwise i think my body lacks something

4. i hate sneakers & sweats...i can't wear those..platforms r way better!

5. i coordinate colors to a tee- if i wear tourquoise, i'm sure i have tourquoise accessories, shoes & make-up

6.i'm a pro stalker...& so what...u find out more info than if u really talk 2 the person...hahahha

7. i must use cute stickers on letters or postcards becuz i think it's sooooo boring!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

btw- It's my bday 2day

2day, dec 9 is the day God brought me in2 this world....that's as much real info the web will have on me.

n-e-wayz I'm thankful for lyfe. Gifts are fine but lyfe is more important. I did go out w/ my was fun & my day is spent well =0)

I'm a sagittarius- symbol is a Female Centaur:

In Greek mythology, the Centaurs (Greek: Κένταυροι) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic vase-paintings, they are depicted as the torso of a human joined at the (human's) waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.

& so I must follow my centaurians to be a ruler & a leader!

Peace out yall ...until again

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the End is almost here?

i'm shocked 2 say that i actually feel weird not having time probably nex yr 2 post more's actually ....uhmmm...well i have mixed emotions kinda. my initial intention of this was 2 do a class project & yet I feel as if i'm so into blogging that i really don't know if i'm ending it?

1 more week for class, 2 more weeks for Christmas, 3 more weeks for the New Yr! I feel like there are so many doors that will be opening up for me for heart-felt prayers- God heard them; my tithes- God received them; my struggles- God is helping me thru them =0)

I may use this as an outlet for anger or I may just look @ other blogs, such as POST SECRET to relieve it. I wish every1 a MERRY CHRISTMAS & God's blessings for the new year; please be Thankful for ur lyfe & more since some have lost all & DON'T GIVE UP!- Everything you ask for hasn't fallen on deaf ears...everything happens in God's timing. If I'm holding on, so can you.

smooches, kisses (bisous)

Sunday, December 2, 2007 much beta than real lyfe

as 1 can see, i luv Kenshin [Batousai Slasher] from Samurai x...only if he wasn't a cartoon...dammit!...hahahahha or maybe i should be a cartoon- i'll be a Jedi Princess; following the skills, moves and lyfe of my Jedi Master, Anakin & then leave to travel far to gather a different type of training...from the Batousai slasher himself...KENSHIN RUROUNI!

[record player scatches] ok who am i fooling? hahahaha

1 more week for class = more time for my thesis. soon it will be all ova & i culd be in that sweet, high paying job, great place et more...well 1st i need experience to back me up & then i get those...but how long will that lyfe take? u c this's y i don't understand real lyfe....u spend so many years in skool, lots of money on skool bills & when u graduate, u have some lousy-ass job? u have got 2 b kiddin me. wut's the point i ask alot...wut's the frickin point?

i do wish everything is peacky keen..wuteva that means..but all that is fantasy. solution: marry some rich guy...he'll give u everything u eva wanted...hahahahha