Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the End is almost here?

i'm shocked 2 say that i actually feel weird not having time probably nex yr 2 post more's actually ....uhmmm...well i have mixed emotions kinda. my initial intention of this was 2 do a class project & yet I feel as if i'm so into blogging that i really don't know if i'm ending it?

1 more week for class, 2 more weeks for Christmas, 3 more weeks for the New Yr! I feel like there are so many doors that will be opening up for me for heart-felt prayers- God heard them; my tithes- God received them; my struggles- God is helping me thru them =0)

I may use this as an outlet for anger or I may just look @ other blogs, such as POST SECRET to relieve it. I wish every1 a MERRY CHRISTMAS & God's blessings for the new year; please be Thankful for ur lyfe & more since some have lost all & DON'T GIVE UP!- Everything you ask for hasn't fallen on deaf ears...everything happens in God's timing. If I'm holding on, so can you.

smooches, kisses (bisous)


Satisfaktionist said...

Instead of using this as an outlet for anger just stop drinking so that you can control your anger. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Andrea said...

Of COURSE you should keep bloggin!