2day, dec 9 is the day God brought me in2 this world....that's as much real info the web will have on me.
n-e-wayz I'm thankful for lyfe. Gifts are fine but lyfe is more important. I did go out w/ my chicas...it was fun & my day is spent well =0)
I'm a sagittarius- symbol is a Female Centaur:
In Greek mythology, the Centaurs (Greek: Κένταυροι) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic vase-paintings, they are depicted as the torso of a human joined at the (human's) waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.
& so I must follow my centaurians to be a ruler & a leader!
Peace out yall ...until again
I'm sorry that I did not had the chance to say happy birth day. Anyway, Happy late birthday! May Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides bless you beyond your needs, may He numbers your days beyond life expectancy. May the Lord bless you, may the Lord keeps you and may the Lord let his light shines upon you beautiful, nubien princess. Much luv!
I'm tagging you to do the 7 things meme. Check out the rules on my blog.
and a very happy belated birthday!
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